Sunday, September 9, 2012

She's a Lady: Dames I Dig

A short time ago I brought you a two part blog-a-thon on my past childhood crushes... Continuing in that vein, I'd like now to share my top 5 lady crushes. These ever classy females I admire for their talent, style, overall elegance and, in some cases, wit.
And order alphabetical...I present to you Ms. Bette, Ms. Ingrid, Ms. Jean, Ms. Lauren, and Ms. Veronica:

>>>Ms. Bette Davis<<<

 >>>Ms. Ingrid Bergman<<<

>>>Ms. Jean Arthur<<<

>>>Ms. Lauren Bacall<<<

>>>Ms. Veronica Lake<<<


Stay classy my friends...^-^
p.s. Happy Sunday!

1 comment:

Melissa Rampy said...

I love, love, love Ingrid Bergman!! She is my absolute favorite!!!